James Gray: Here is a view of Whitecross Street looking towards Trafalgar Street. This seems to have been built about 1843. Many years ago, until 1888, the corner shop, 13 Cheapside, was a small beer house called Napoleon the Third. The side wall inscription is as follows:- NAPOLEON THE THIRD CARTER’S HOME BREWED ALES AND STOUT STATION BREWERY, VINE STREET FAMILIES SUPPLIED WITH CASKS FROM 3 GALLONS UPWARDS. This small brewery was originally at 8 Station Street, hence the name Station Brewery. It kept this name when it moved to 24/25 Vine Street, where it remained until 1891. jgc_25_238
James Gray: Workers outside the premises of H A Waller, Sheet Metal Merchant, at 1-3 Whitecross Street, about 1931. This was at the Trafalgar Street end of the street. jgc_25_246
2018: The area has been completely redeveloped. Trafalgar Street Car Park and Theobald House flats now occupy much of the west side of Whitecross Street. H A Waller at 1-3 Whitecross Street has been replaced by modern flats called Trafalgar View. (Photographer: Jane Jordan)
James Gray: This photograph was taken in January 1970, and shows the new Technical College nearing completion in Pelham Street. Sadly the second building which was to have followed has yet to be started, ten years later! jgc_25_255
2018: Looking south to the corner of Cheapside and Whitecross Street, all the visible buildings are now part of Greater Brighton Metropolitan College (formerly City College and now known as the MET). The main entrance to the college tower block is in Pelham Street which runs parallel to Whitecross Street. (Photographer: Jane Jordan)