The following people have all contributed their time and effort to creating this website. In some cases this was very many hours over 4 years.
Most took photographs and wrote descriptions of changes since the original picture was taken. In some cases this was just half a dozen, and in others several hundred were completed.
Some helped with the tasks of organising the project, putting the website together and checking that the new image is of the right place, the facts are correct and by proof-reading. Others (in many cases the same people) checked the many thousands of links within and between the pages.
Nobody has been paid for the work done to create this site. The Regency Society is grateful to everyone involved for their effort and enthusiasm.
(image shows jgc_03_059. Shoreham Harbour. 1870)
Steve Agace
Mary Allison
Tony Bailey
Chrissie Beglin
Jane Cheema
Gabrielle Conroy
Simon Cooper
Douglas d’Enno
Mathia Davies
Robert Dawes
Rebecca DeConnink
Mike Doodson
Annie Drynan
Nick Eastham
Ian Farrell
David Fisher
Ron Fitton
Helen Glass
Alasdair Glass
Gill Golding
Suzanne Hinton
Alan Hobden
Clare Hughes
David Jackson
Alice Jackson
Jane Jordan
Geoffrey Kavanagh
Jeremy Knight
Bill Kocher
Shan Lancaster
Dave Lane
Frances Lindsay-Hills
Ruthie Martin
Mary McKean
Richard McKean
Alison Meekings
Alison Minns
Jamie Newell
Kevin Newman
Susan Nicholls
Chris Nichols
Mary Nixon
Ivor O’Mahony
Kate Ormond
Max Page
Catherine Page
Nick Pannett
Jayne Paulin
Margaret Polmear
JC Reid
Andrew Renaut
Hugh Robinson
David Sears
Jan Sinkfield
Jane Southern
Mark Stephenson
Alan Stratford
Denise Taylor
Lyn Turpin
Anne Marie Williamson
Kevin Wilsher
April Wright