James Gray: Shops at Nos 143, 145 and 147. Exact period unknown but definitely between 1900 and 1914. The man sitting in the chair was Mr. Slatter, whose ironmonger’s shop in Church Road can be seen in another volume. The shop front of No 145 is almost unchanged now, 50 years onwards. jgc_16_006
2018: The shopfronts have been removed and the houses are now residential. (Photographer: Mathia Davies)
James Gray: From the farm the milk, eggs and farm produce was taken the short distance along Portland Road to this little shop at the corner of Westbourne Street and Cowper Street, then known as No 7 Upper Westbourne Street. The Denyers moved here from Montgomery Street in 1893 the year of this photograph and the business continued until about 1902 when all the land near Portslade Station was given up.
James Gray: Photograph of the fire at Chapman’s Laundry, 1 Arthur Street, 17 April 1904. These premises were built in 1895 and have always been used as a laundry until quite recently. jgc_16_011
2018: The view looking north to the top of Westbourne Street. 1 Arthur Street has been replaced by Tintagel Court flats. (Photographer: Mathia Davies)
James Gray: Foulser’s shop, at the corner of Westbourne Street. This was established in 1894 when this was known as Clarendon Villas Road, and it remained until 1961. It is now part of a supermarket. jgc_16_017
2018: The shop is now part of a mini supermarket. The upper floors have changed little on the outside. (Photographer: Mark Stephenson)
James Gray: Laying the wood blocks to replace the old macadam surface, in November 1923. The photographs were taken from Fousler’s shop at the corner of Westbourne Street. Additional Information: Horse-drawn carts. jgc_16_021.
2018: The pub, dating from 1882 and originally called the Aldrington Hotel, is now The Westbourne. With its brightly painted walls, it is a prominent building on the corner of Portland Road and Westbourne Street and is now promoted as an ‘ale and eating house’. (Photographer: Mark Stephenson)