James Gray: Fire damage to Abbey’s Malthouse and Stores, in Sutherland Road, in June 1907. jgc_22_128
2018: Gray’s wonderfully atmospheric photo of 1907 captures a particular moment in time: men surveying the terrible damage at the Abbey Brewery caused by fire in the June of that year. The Brewery was completely rebuilt and was later to become the Kemp Town Brewery’s Malthouse. It was finally demolished in 1970. The site was acquired by Brighton College and now houses the College’s Visual Arts Centre. (Photographer: David Jackson)
James Gray: In this view of Abbey’s Malthouse can be seen the approach to the Railway Station in Coalbrook Road. jgc_22_129
2018: Gray’s 1907 picture vividly depicts the fire-damaged Malthouse on the corner of Sutherland Road and Eastern Road. This photograph shows the east side of Sutherland Road looking down towards Eastern Road; the Brighton College Arts Centre that now stands on the site is just out of shot to the left of the picture. (Photographer: David Jackson)
James Gray: This and the following photograph [jgc_22_138] show the Maltings and Stores, at the corner of Sutherland Road and Eastern Road. William Hallett of Marine Parade, founded the Brewery about 1850. Later he took into partnership Henry Abbey (after whose family Abbey Road was named) and in 1860s the Maltings were built adjoining Brighton College. The Brewery was successively named Hallett and Abbey’s, Abbey and Sons, Abbey’s Kemp Town and finally, Kemp Town Brewery. After being acquired by Charringtons brewing ceased here and the sites were sold for redevelopment. The buildings were all removed during 1970. jgc_22_137
James Gray: This and the previous photograph show the Maltings and Stores, at the corner of Sutherland Road and Eastern Road. William Hallett of Marine Parade founded the Brewery about 1850. Later he took into partnership Henry Abbey (after whose family Abbey Road was named) and in 1860s the Maltings were built adjoining Brighton College. The Brewery was successively named Hallett and Abbey’s, Abbey and Sons, Abbey’s Kemp Town and finally, Kemp Town Brewery. After being acquired by Charringtons brewing ceased here and the sites were sold for redevelopment. The buildings were all removed during 1970. jgc_22_138
James Gray: A photograph of April 1967, taken in Sutherland Road, looking from north and south. jgc_23_014
2019: St Matthew’s Church was a handsome Victorian church demolished shortly after Gray’s 1967 photograph was taken. A block of flats now stands on its site whose name – St Matthews Court – recalls its vanished past. The flint wall and tree (bottom right) – actually part of the north-west corner of the Brighton College site – have survived although the tree is now 53 years older. (Photographer: David Jackson)