James Gray: The purpose of this photograph was to show the building immediately to the left, Nos 1 and 1A. For more than a century the yard had been used by farriers and general smiths. In case the building was threatened with demolition I had the photograph taken in August, 1977. The building still stands though. jgc_24_052
James Gray: These houses were on the southern fringe of the slum area as they overlooked the gardens of St James’ Place, and were within a stone’s throw of busy St James’s Street. Steine Gardens were built early in the 19th century, though these two houses looked as if they were built some time after the others.
Photographed June 1954. Demolished 1955. jgc_24_061
2019: Although major alterations have been made to the windows and doors, Nos 1 and 1A Steine Gardens have escaped demolition and are still standing. (Photographer: Ruthie Martin)