James Gray: The view across Preston Road to Preston Manor before the widening of the road and the removal of the old flint wall. jgc_18_177
2019: The main entrance to Preston Manor is now accessed via Preston Drove, just east of the corner of Preston Road seen here. The flint wall is gone and has been replaced by open garden adjoining the driveway and shrubbery to the perimeter. (Photographer: Jane Jordan)
James Gray: Three photographs all taken on the same day, 13 April 1935. The stables and the two cottages, seen here, were removed in the following year when the roadway was widened opposite South Road. When the Stanford family occupied Preston Manor, their butler lived in one of these cottages. Lodge of the Manor, occupied by some of the staff. jgc_18_166
James Gray: Compare these photographs with those on previous pages, particularly the large one, circa 1914. From these it is evident that there had been an earlier widening of Preston Road in this vicinity, probably in 1928, when the Preston Park railings were removed. jgc_18_168
James Gray: Photograph showing the servants at the Manor, many of whom have been identified (2007). jgc_18_162
2018: Preston Manor was bequeathed to Brighton Corporation by the Stanford family in 1932 and subsequently became a museum and exhibition venue.
James Gray: This photograph shows the complete solitude of this solid middle-class residential road of detached villas, with stables and coachman’s quarters behind at the end of the back gardens. Railed off from the public Preston Park, the Manor was then privately owned and occupied by the Stanford family. jgc_18_163
2019: See also jgc_18_161 and 192 below. (Photographer: Jane Jordan)
James Gray: The scented garden for the blind was laid out in the foreground of the garden. When this was done the broad flight of steps was removed. jgc_18_192
2019: The south side of Preston Manor today, its ivy-clad walls now cleared and, in the foreground, the garden laid to lawn. See also jgc_18_161 and 163. (Photographer: Jane Jordan)
James Gray: At this time, of course, the Manor was owned and occupied by the Stanford family. The tower was demolished to first floor level, between 1903 and 1906. At this same time the present west wing was built by H J Penfold, of North Road, Preston. jgc_18_160
2018: The southern entrance (garden door) to Preston Manor today minus the tower demolished to first-floor level at some time between 1903 and 1906. See also jgc_18_162. (Photographer: Jane Jordan)
James Gray: A view of the front of the Manor showing the bowling green. jgc_18_161
2018: The southern wing of Preston Manor today looking across from Preston Park. The walls are no longer clad with ivy which must have been a monumental task to maintain. The tower was demolished to first-floor level between 1903 and 1906. See also jgc_18_163 and 192. (Photographer: Jane Jordan)