James Gray: This old building shown in its last stages of dilapidation, was occupied for many years as the Brighton High School. The school, which was first housed in a building on the other side of the road, was in existence from 1868 – 1900. The old building was removed in 1933 and the Old Boys of the School affixed a commemorative plaque to the wall of the present building in 1940. Additional Information: Milk churns can be seen on the bottom right of the photograph. JC Wale, Demolition Contractor’s sign and his yard. jgc_26_235
2018: The lower southern section of Hampton Place is now a cul-de-sac, allowing cars to exit from the car park behind the nearby Waitrose store in Western Road. The large white building on the east side of the street is now Brighton White, dental studio. The first house on the east side of the road, beyond Hampton Street, can be seen in both images and the top of the spire of St Mary Magdalen’s church is still visible above it. (Photographer: Mathia Davies)
James Gray: This old building shown in its last stages of dilapidation, was occupied for many years as the Brighton High School. The school, which was first housed in a building on the other side of the road, was in existence from 1868-1900. The old building was removed in 1933 and the Old Boys of the School affixed a commemorative plaque to the wall of the present building in 1940. jgc_26_234
2018: The old school and all original buildings pictured are gone, replaced by a four-storey building currently housing the Brighton White Dental Studio and, at the southern end on the corner of Western Road, a three-storey building with Art Deco decoration housing a hair salon, Cuts & Co, on the ground floor. The plaque mentioned by James Gray is not in evidence. On the far left, houses in the upper part of the street remain. (Photographer: Mathis Davies)