James Gray: The [Hospital Parade] procession [see also Conway Place and Conway Street] making its way westwards along Clarendon Road and approaching the junction with Sackville Road. The bandsmen seem to have acquired fresh uniforms since the previous year. jgc_14_071
James Gray: One of the poorer streets of Hove in a working class part of the town. The photographs are all of the period 1900-1910 and show the north side of the street at the junction with Goldstone Street. This postcard shows the funeral of Sergeant S Elliott held on 18 April 1908. jgc_14_072
James Gray: Clarendon Road was commenced in the late 1870s and the greengrocer’s shop of John Lidbetter was there almost from the start. He was also a coal merchant with a yard a little way up Goldstone Street, seen in this photograph. The shop remained as a greengrocer’s until the whole area was cleared in 1966. jgc_14_073
2018: See the previous 2018 caption. (Photographer: Jane Southern)
James Gray: A composite picture of Conway Place, St Barnabas Hall and Clarendon Road, all affected by Stage 1. Clarendon Road being cleared on the north side as far as No. 107. jgc_14_096
2018: Clarendon Road is on the right of the James Gray image, Conway Place on the left.
James Gray: The old and the new Clarendon Road. A contrast between the homes of the 1880s and those of the 1960s. jgc_14_106
2018: The Borough of Hove Housing Department building on the corner of Clarendon Road and Goldstone Street has gone, as have the houses to its left (west).
James Gray: This and the next photograph look from Goldstone Street towards Goldstone Villas showing the rear of the houses in Ellen Street and Clarendon Road. The gardens between seem surprisingly large for this district. jgc_14_107
James Gray: Two photographs of January 1970. This one is taken from the corner of Ethel Street and shows the last of the five blocks of flats, Livingstone House, all but completed. jgc_14_111