James Gray: The open expanse of the park, looking west to Portslade, in 1921. The houses in the left distance are probably those in Erroll Road. Additional Information: Note the petrol driven, double roller for flattening the pitch. jgc_15_117
2018: When the land for this park was purchased in 1895 it was in a bad state as it had been a brickfield. It had to be levelled and soil brought in.
James Gray: Above is a view of the eastern end of the park, 47 years later, on 28 April 1968. Note the old changing rooms of corrugated iron. Reputed to date from 1912 they were certainly there in 1923 when I first played football there. They are just off the photograph to the right in the previous photograph [see jgc_15_117 above]. jgc_15_118
2018: Marine Park is now called Aldrington Recreation Ground but is still known by many locals as Wish Park.